Всичко започва с едни захабени от времето ръце на занаятчии запечатали зова на изящни ръчноизработени продукти

person wearing grey knit sweater

Зад всеки продукт стои човек

Уникални ръчноизработени продукти в 20 категории

10% от стойността на всички поръчки(преди ДДС) ще бъдат дарени за каузи.

Това е сайт с учебна цел и не функциоира

Страхотни продукри разделени в 20 категории. Повечето продукти се произвеждат при направена поръчка специално за вас. Произведените продукти, които могат да се закупят на момента са по-скъпи. Периода за изработка е различен за всеки артикул и е даден в описанието на продукта.

метална магия


Гравирано дърво

скулптури от дърво

дъски за храна

рисунки върху стена за вашия дом


бродерия и плетива

кожени изделия

изделия от ковано желязо

окрасен порцелан

изделия от глина

плетива на раститения

изделия от плексиглас

рамки за картини

метални цветя

щамповани тениски

мед и медни продукти

восъчни изделия

Бонус категории

A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.
A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.
A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.
A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.
A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.
A collection of colorful handcrafted items hanging closely together. Wooden bracelets with intricate patterns, colorful pom-pom keychains, and other small craft items are visible. The background is blurred, suggesting a market or craft fair setting.

декориране на дома или на отделен кът

дребни декорации за дома с втора възможност за живот

ръчноизработени сапуни

очаквайте скоро

очаквайте скоро

Кукуерска страст

selective focus photography of soap party favors
selective focus photography of soap party favors

Мнения на клиенти

Вижте какво казват нашите клиенти за уникалните ръчно изработени продукти, които са си закупили от нас

I love the craftsmanship! My leather bag is beautiful and functional.

Emily Adams
A small shop is filled with a variety of handmade goods, including woven baskets, colorful textiles, and traditional crafts. The entrance is partially obscured by hanging ropes and items such as bags and hats. Wooden crates and a plastic basket are stacked on the ground, while bright tapestries and straw items add vibrancy to the display.
A small shop is filled with a variety of handmade goods, including woven baskets, colorful textiles, and traditional crafts. The entrance is partially obscured by hanging ropes and items such as bags and hats. Wooden crates and a plastic basket are stacked on the ground, while bright tapestries and straw items add vibrancy to the display.

San Francisco

The wooden sculptures are stunning! They add a perfect touch to my home.

A market stall displays a diverse range of handcrafted items including intricately patterned baskets, wooden carvings, and decorative wall hangings. The items are artfully arranged, showing a variety of textures and designs. A person stands to the left, possibly examining or purchasing items.
A market stall displays a diverse range of handcrafted items including intricately patterned baskets, wooden carvings, and decorative wall hangings. The items are artfully arranged, showing a variety of textures and designs. A person stands to the left, possibly examining or purchasing items.
John Smith

New York
